About me

I’m a web & UX designer and a digital marketer, who has chosen the road less travelled.

I help others build the strong foundation of their own business by designing user-friendly websites. 

The backstory

I was born and raised in the beautiful state of Oregon, but I always dreamed of living abroad. 

After graduating from high school, I took the traditional path of going to university where I got a degree in graphic design. 

I worked as a designer in Portland, Oregon for a couple of years until the call to live abroad became stronger. So I packed up and moved to Copenhagen, Denmark. 

It felt like I was living in some sort of fairytale, and I quickly realised that I never wanted to go back to “normal” life. 

Europe became home to me, and after a quick year and a half back in the USA after Denmark, I moved to Prague, Czech Republic. Finally, fast forward six years, I moved to the Netherlands in search of new adventures.

Now, my journey hasn’t been all rainbows & unicorns. I definitely did things a bit backwards by knowing I wanted to experience life abroad, but not having a clear path on how to finance my dreams.

I needed to find a way to support myself in this lifestyle, so I slowly built up my skills and experience by becoming a certified full-stack developer, then working in digital marketing for 5+ years, and finally getting a professinal diploma in UX design.

During all of this time, I was designing websites for my friends’ small businesses. I saw a real need for websites to be designed with a good user experience.

I was confident that with my knowledge of graphic design, development, digital marketing, and UX design, I could really help other small businesses gain access to a web designer with a unique cocktail of knowledge to build their website in an effective way.

That brings you up to speed on my web design story.

I love hearing stories of others and about the businesses they’re building. I’m a dreamer who is passionate about helping you create your website.

I’m looking forward to hearing your story!

Random tidbits (just for fun)

• Life is more fun if you believe in Bigfoot. Because, why not? ;)

• Everyone is worthy of love & kindness.

• It’s okay to dream big, love hard, & live passionately.

• Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about, so always be kind.

• Chocolate + Sea Salt is a magical combination and I’m always on a mission to bring more of it into my life. ❤️